Thursday, April 3, 2008

Information Literacy - Possible Research Actions

  1. Observing library/asking punters what they do, what they want (when teachers come in, get staff to answer some simple questions - 2mins). Chris, Glenys, Desna
  2. Structured interview of samples of children. Rob, Desna, Here are the results from Desna's survey...
  3. Finding out how staff teach information literacy or evaluating inFOSmart. Paul P, Jo
QLC members please decide which option you are interested in researching and let Rob know: Desna, Rob, Paul S


P. Page said...

Here's a prototype survey form that I've put together. Not sure how to implement it? Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.

Information Literacy Survey

This survey aims to help Fendalton staff, your feedback is critical to this process. Please take the 3 minutes needed to fill in this survey.

1. What does information literacy mean to you?

2. Do you think this is something you need to know more about?

Yes  No 

3. Is this an area where you think you would like more support, and if so what kind of support?

Yes  No 

4. Have you used the inFOSmart matrix resource?

Yes  No 

If Yes which tools/resources did you use?

5. How was the inFOSmart matrix helpful or useful?

6. Library activities: What do you and your class use the library for besides returning/issuing books and research?

Thanks for your contribution!

Unknown said...

Thanks for these ideas Paul, they look great.

I wonder if we combine the first and last into this one survey, then put more energy into interviewing children?

Especially since it is quite easily shared using a google doc? (I will invite each of you to it so you can see how it works as people respond)

Chris/Desna/Glenys/Paul S - what do you think?

Unknown said...

Whoops, Paul and Jo (and Chris/Desna),

Can you please decide if we should survey the entire staff, or just a selection of lucky punters? Once you've done this let me know I I can either show you Paul how to invite them, or do it for you.


Desna said...

I think all staff should be part of the survey. There are some who do not use the library and a survey may let us know why they don't.

Unknown said...

Desna, so do you mean everyone, like Paul Walker/Kevin, Darlene and Megan, teacher aides, etc. etc.?

If so, Paul Page can you please forward the email to those staff as identified by Desna?
